Osnovni podatki
LEOSS d.o.o.
Dunajska 106
SI-1000 Ljubljana
Kako do nas? Kliknite
interaktivni zemljevid ali sliko, ki jo pove?ate s klikom nanjo.
LEOSS d.o.o. je v visokem pritli?ju kompleksa Dunajska 106 (nekdanji Gorenje servis) v Ljubljani za Be?igradom, to je nasproti Mecatorjeve poslovne stolpnice.
GPS koordinate:
N: 46?04'28.27''
E: 14?30'44.17''
mati?na ?tevilka 5360285
identifikacijska ?tevilka za DDV SI77661362
T: (01) 530 90 20
F: (01) 530 90 40
GSM: 040 48 00 04
poslovni ?as 7.30 do 15.30 (od ponedeljka do petka), pogosto tudi do 16.00 ure
Pomembne telefonske ?tevilke
Naro?ilo nalepk in folij
T: (01) 530 90 24
GSM: 040 48 00 01
Tiskalniki nalepk
T: (01) 530 90 22
GSM: 040 16 20 40
?italniki za ?rtno kodo
T: (01) 530 90 30
GSM: 040 48 01 00
Ro?ni ra?unalniki in terminali za skladi??a
T: (01) 530 90 28
GSM: 040 19 00 91
Sistemske re?itve
T: (01) 530 90 28
GSM: 040 19 00 91
Naro?ilo tiskanja nalepk
T: (01) 530 90 26
T: (01) 530 90 38
GSM: 040 48 00 04
Naro?ilo tiskanja kartic
T: (01) 530 90 30
GSM: 040 48 01 00
T: (01) 530 90 26
GSM: 031 373 583
Tehni?na podpora
T: (01) 530 90 24 in (01) 530 90 23
GSM: 040 48 00 01
LEOSS Adria - Kod d.o.o.
Ured : Kamenarka 25a, Poslovna zgrada REM, 10 010 Novi Zagreb
Sjedi?te: Ne?i?eva 2c, Slobo?tina, 10 010 Novi Zagreb
T: +385 (0) 1 2015 500
F: +385 (0) 1 2015 502
GSM:: +385 (0) 91 2015 500
GPS koordinate
N: 45?76,4790'
E: 16?01,1259'
OIB 07061075178
Mati?ni broj 2396459
About us
LEOSS d.o.o. is a major provider of auto identification and data collection hardware, software, accessories, labels and solutions. We constantly focus on providing the total package for our Customers. Divided into departments such as Labeling, Identification, Mobile Computing and Accessories as well as Solutions LEOSS provides a full range of products and services based upon bar coding and RFID technology. If you add our own Repair Center and a Custom Software Development Team, the tally grows even further. Located in the middle of Europe, we are present on the local market as well as on some markets of the neighboring countries.
Set up in 1990 by a group of engineers from Fotona d.d. (http://www.fotona.si) LEOSS, a mid-size Slovenian Company with 15 employees, based in the capital city of Ljubljana, strives towards total Customer satisfaction when it comes to the use of auto identification and data collection products & solutions.
Our parters are major players in the world of bar codes and RFID. For example being a Zebra Premier Partner helps us grow our ever widening "knowledge base" in a big way. In terms of scanning we are the only Honeywell Scanning and Mobility Distributer in Slovenia, Toyota's Denso and also in strong relationship with Microscan, Opticon, Socket Mobile, NordicID etc. Software: Nfive, NiceLabel Platinum Partner.
Test us now and get an instant result from the use of the Barcode and RFID Technology. LEOSS - Auto ID and Mobile Data Collection at its best! Labeling, Inventory Management, Tracking and other Solutions.